Friday, 30 September 2016

It’s Not Just the Economy, Stupid; It’s Whether the Economy Is Fair By: , Posted on: September 7, 2016

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Interrelationships

Inquiry: What makes an economy fair? How might a Fair Economy impact people?

Activity: Determine what makes an economy fair. Gather information on countries/corporations that have adopted some of these principles and create a spatial journal.. What might be need to get others to support fair economics? Communicate via story map.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Delhi airport first carbon neutral airport in Asia-Pacific Press Trust of India  |  New Delhi

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends, Interrelationships

Inquiry: How might other airports react to this event?

Activity: Create a spatial journal of the airports in the region. Investigate how airports might be concerned with the environment. Conduct an issue analysis to determine how more airports could be carbon neutral. Communicate suggestions via story map.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Concepts of Thinking: Interrelationships, Geographic Perspective, Patterns ad Trends

Inquiry: How might women be able to impact past farming practice?

Activity: Create a spatial journal of places around the world that have incorporated the women's perspective and compare that with areas that haven't. Can any patterns be observed? What may account for these patterns? What might be needed to get more places to incorporate women's perspective? What other social areas could be positively impacted by listening and incorporating women's perspective? Communicate finding via story map.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Second Harvest Turns Food Waste Into 22,000 Free Meals A Day

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Patterns and Trends

Inquiry: Why might there be so much waste of food? How can people reduce their waste? What might be required to help reduce the number of people going hungry?

Activity: Conduct some research on hunger in Canada and the world. Create a spatial journal of food waste and hunger are there any patterns and trends that can be observed. Conduct an issue analysis to determine possible solutions and communicate via story map

Friday, 23 September 2016

Expect a warmer-than-normal fall, says Environment Canada

CBC News Posted: Sep 22
Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends, Interrelationship, Geographic Perspective

Inquiry: What might the warmer fall impact look like? How could this weather impact different populations?

Activity: Research weather patterns in Canada. Create a spatial journal of weather from past to present. How might meteorologist be able to predict the weather How does this current weather prediction fit in? Make predictions of impacts based on the climate predictions. Communicate predictions and possible actions required via story map to an appropriate audience.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Canadian EI Claims Grew By Over 24,000 In July. Almost All Are Men

Concepts of Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Geographic Thinking, Spatial Significance

Inquiry: How might this increase in unemployment impact local, provincial, federal economic situation? 

Activity: Conduct some research on Canada's unemployment rate. Create a spatial journal to show regional rates. What might account for any difference that may be observe between the regions and over time? What might be the best way to deal with the current situation. Conduct an issue analysis to gain insight on the stakeholders. Communicate potential solutions to the appropriate audience via story map.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Are Canada’s marine protection plans at sea?

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Interrelationships, 

Inquiry:  What might it take for Canadian marine protection policies to be more meaningful?

Activity: Research what the Canadian policies actual are. Conduct an issue analysis to help develop a decision and communicate via story map to an appropriate audience.

Friday, 16 September 2016

‘Ghost Forests’ Appear As Rising Seas Kill Trees

Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance, Geographic Perspective, Interrelationship

Inquiry: What might the impacts be from the rising water levels impact local, provincial, national, and international populations.

Activity: Create a spatial journal of places that might be impacted the most form the rising sea level. Add human activities and conduct an issue analysis to determine impacts. Create a story map to communicate finds.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Brazil ratification pushes Paris climate deal one step closer. Jeff Tollefson

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Interrelationship, Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends

Inquiry: How might Brazil's ratification impact Paris climate deal?

Activity: Conduct an issue analysis of the Paris accord. Create a spatial journal of countries involved. Create a story map to communicate to an appropriate audience the impacts of Brazil's ratification. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

First Nations learn to map territories using Google Earth

CBC News Posted: Aug 25, 2014 2:33 PM ET
Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance,

Inquiry: Why  might First Nations want to map out their Territories?  How might this new way of mapping impact their Territory?

Activity: Conduct an issue analysis of First Nations Territory to get different perspective of the issue. Create a spatial journal showing/supporting the different views. Develop a solution regarding the issue of First Nations land and communicate via story map to an appropriate audience.
Florida Has a Competition to Hunt Pythons

  • DATE OF PUBLICATION: 09.13.16.

  • Concepts of Thinking: Interrelationship, Spatial Significance, Geographic Perspective

  • Inquiry: How did the Python become a problem? Why might the number of Pythons be a problem?
  • Activity:  Conduct an issue analysis to determine views regarding the Python and possible solutions. Create a spatial journal outlining the range of the snake. Communicate to appropriate audience via story map.

  • Thursday, 8 September 2016

    Canadian Economy Needs 10, 15 Years To Reinvent Itself, RBC CEO Says

    Concepts of Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Geographic Perspective, Spatial Significance

    Inquiry: Why might the Canadian Economy need to reinvent itself?

    Activity: Conduct an issue analysis to help develop an increased understanding of the issue. Create a spatial journal of the different regions and what possible changes might be needed. Come up with strategies to facilitate reinvention ans communicate to an appropriate audience via story map.

    Wednesday, 7 September 2016


    Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance, Geographic Perspective, Patterns and Trends, Interrelationships

    Inquiry: What might be required to ensure the continued success of the Panda? How might other endanger species have the same type of success?

    Activity: Create a spatial journal of the factors and events that have contributed to the success of the Panda. Indicate how the range of the Panda my be impacted. Choose another endangered species and create a spatial journal of it's could change if the species could experience the same success as the Panda. Conduct an issue analysis for the creation of a story map to make suggestions on how to implement change for an endangered species.

    Friday, 2 September 2016

    Study suggests size of Zika epidemic may be underestimated

    Articular Source:
    August 31, 2016
    image source: unknown

    Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Patterns and Trends, Spatial Significance

    Inquiry: What might be needed to better understand the Zika virus? How might location data contribut to more accurate number of cases?

    Activity: Create a spatial journal of positive virus contacts. Observe for any patterns and trends. Conduct an issue analysis to determine a course of action to help reduce the spread of the virus. Communicate results to an appropriate audience via story map.

    Thursday, 1 September 2016

    Study documents a lost century for forest elephants Science MAG 
    August 31, 2016

    Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends

    Inquiry: How might the elephants be best protected from poaching?

    Activity: Create a spatial journal indicating the range of the forest elephants and where the poaching is taking place. Evaluate any patterns that may appear. Conduct an issue analysis to help develop strategies to stop the poaching. Communicate results via a story map.

      Report finds 20 per cent of newcomers leaving Canada within 25 years  The Canadian Press November 19, 2024 Concepts of Geographic Thinkin...