Thursday, 30 November 2017

The index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists 

 in Delhi,  in São Paulo,  in Bangkok,  in Istanbul and  in Moscow, Thursday 30 November 2017 

Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance,
Patterns and Trends

Inquiry: How might more countries become safer for journalists?

Activity: Determine the characteristics of freedom. Conduct an issue analysis of countries. Create an action plan to address this problem and communicate via story map.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

This map shows every ship at sea in real time Image: REUTERS/Chris Helgren

Concept of Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Spatial Significance

Inquiry: Why might these ships take these routes? What might these ships be transporting? What might the environmental impacts be with all this shipping?

Activity: Gather information on the ports of origin of the ships. GAther data on weather  and conduct an issue analysis  to determine when weather could impact shipping by making it to dangerous and create an action plan to deal with the situation i.e. alternate routes. Communicate via story map.

Monday, 20 November 2017

These are the world's 10 most competitive economies

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends, Interrelationship

Inquiry: What makes these economies most competitive? How might this ranking change in the future?

Activity: Conduct research into the different economies to determine why they are most competitive. Create a spatial journal to observe for spatial significance and/or patterns and trends that may appear. Conduct an issue analysis to help make predictions as to what the future of these economies may be and communicate via story map to an appropriate audience.
Inquiry: What might be the importance of teaching geography? Well to paraphrase Alex Trebek at the annual RCGS Fellows dinner " History is the past and Geography is the future!"

History is the documentation of geographic and geopolitical events. We need to understand this to be able to solve current and future geographic and geopolitical problems.

10 of the best Christmas shopping cities in Europe

Concepts of Thinking: Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends, Interreltionships

Inquiry: What makes a city the best Christmas shopping?

Activity: Create a spatial journal of theses cities to observe any patterns or trends. Conduct an issue analysis to better understand the ranking process. Make suggestions on what might be required for other cities to make the list next time and communicate in a story map.

Monday, 13 November 2017

A history of the battle for economic supremacy  Jeff Desjardins   Founder and editor of Visual Capitalist

Concepts of Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Spatial Significance

Inquiry:  What might be needed for the world to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth?

Activity: Create a spatial journal of the top countries that hold the world's wealth. Conduct an issue analysis of the distribution of wealth. Develop an action plan that can address this issue to help ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth and reduce things like world famines. Communicate results via story map.

New road will be Canada's first permanent link to Arctic coast The Canadian Press Bob Weber

Concept of Thinking: Spatial Significance, Geographic Perspective, Interrelationship

Inquiry: How might this road impact communities along its length?

Activity: Create a spatial journal of potential impact sites. Conduct an issue analysis to  help make predictions as to how this new road may impact communities and at what cost. Create a story map to communicate the results.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Scientist grades water risks from wildfires; Prairies at top of list By Bob Weber, The Canadian Press

Concepts of Thinking: Interrelationships, Spatial Significance, Patterns and Trends

Inquiry: How might communities prepare for increased forest fires?

Activity: Determine what might be some of the problems faced by planners when redeveloping after a forest fire. Conduct an issue analysis to determine a path to rebuilding. Communicate results via story map.

  Chile’s desert dumping ground for fast fashion leftovers Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Spatial Significance , Interrelationships , Ge...