Tuesday, 13 October 2020


State of Climate Services 2020 Report: Move from Early Warnings to Early Action.


Geographic Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Spatial Significance, Interrelationships, Patterns and Trends                                                                      
Inquiry: As the number  and cost (human and dollar amount) of environmental disasters continue to increase what can be done to help all countries develop a Climate strategy that deals with Climate Change?

Task: Collect data on what countries around the world are doing to combat climate change. Gather data on what scientist suggest should be done to deal with climate change. Create a spatial journal to show how spatial significance may impact a country's plan as well as how geographic perspective influences the countries climate change agenda. Create a story map to communicate your findings

  Report finds 20 per cent of newcomers leaving Canada within 25 years  The Canadian Press November 19, 2024 Concepts of Geographic Thinkin...