‘We are witnessing a crime against humanity’: Arundhati Roy on India’s Covid catastrophe
Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Interrelationships, Geographic Perspective, Spatial SignificanceInquiry: How can a government ignore the people that it represents? What might be needed for a government to respect all of their people? What role might multinational corporations play in the impact of COVID-19 in India and other countries?
Activity: Collect data regarding government policy on workers. Conduct an issue analysis to gain understanding of the different viewpoints. Create a spatial journal to show the distribution of workers in India and the multinational corporations they are working for. Create an action plan that the Indian government might be able to follow to help support their works. Create a story map to communicate your solution to the Indian government and the corporations in India.
Explore: Conduct research to see what other jurisdictions are doing to support the working class during the COVID -19 Pandemic. Is it enough to actually help the workers or does it just reinforce the statues queo of serving the elite? See Ontario's response to paid sick leave for workers, 3 days paid for by the taxpayers.