Activity: Collect dataon how many immigrants arecoming to Canadaevery year and where they are settling. Create a spatial journal to help visualize the facts. Conduct an issue analysis to help understand the stakeholders and their views on immigration on things such as impacts to Canada's overall population size and economy. Create a story map to tell the story of the immigrant experience coming to Canada, why they chose Canada, and why Canada wants and/or needs immigration and how the immigration experience could be improved.
Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Interrelationships, Patterns and Trends, Spatial Significance
Inquiry: With all of this evidence when my major Government and Corporations began to implement real, positive change? Why have there been some many accords and agreements regarding climate change but no real action has been taken?
Activity: Collect information on what countries around the world are doing to combat climate change and the negative impacts it has on human and natural systems. Conduct an issue analysis to help understand why these action have proven not to be enough. Create a spatial journal showing what countries from different regions of the world are doing. Create a story map to communicate the differences by region or country and create an action plan to get real involvement by stakeholders and not just another accord.