Monday, 4 March 2024

 Welcome to the great ISRAELI REAL ESTATE EVENT Coming to the USA and Canada

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Patterns and Trends, Spatial Significance

Inquiry: How should the international community react to this event that as it relates to  International Humanitarian Law #50 and #51? 

    Activity: Conduct an Issue Analysis of the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Some key players: the G7, Palestine, Israel, and the surrounding countries as stakeholders. Create a spatial journal to identify the location for sale. Add natural resource data, such as oil fields; offshore and onshore. Create a story map to illustrate the situation of property and resources and draw a conclusion to create a possible solution to this situation. Communicate to the governments involved.

  Report finds 20 per cent of newcomers leaving Canada within 25 years  The Canadian Press November 19, 2024 Concepts of Geographic Thinkin...