Wednesday, 20 November 2024


Report finds 20 per cent of newcomers leaving Canada within 25 years 

The Canadian Press November 19, 2024

Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Geographic Perspective

Inquiry: Why might Canada pay attention to this trend? How might Canada reverse this trend?

Activity: Collect data on Canadian migration. Collect data on immigrants leaving Canada. Gather information on Canadian living conditions, eduction, job opportunitieshousing, and the immigrant experience. Conduct an issue analysis to gain an understanding of hy many immigrants are leaving Canada after working hard to get here. Create a spatial journal to show where immigrants are coming from and where they are going after they arrive in Canada. Build a story map to show your conclusions and express what Canada could do tpo improve the immigrant retention rate.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024


ICC seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leaders and Israel’s Netanyahu

Concepts of Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Patterns and Trends

Inquiry: How might the ICC ruling on Russia, Israel and other global war crimes  be recognize and respect by countries of the United Nations?

Activity: Gather and organize data on the ICC rulings for the arrest warrants for Putin, Netanyahu, and the Hamas leader. Analyse the data using the Issue Analysis tool to better understand the situation for each warrant. Create a spatial journal of information to create a visual of the situation and then produce a story map to communicate your results.

Supporting information: 

  Report finds 20 per cent of newcomers leaving Canada within 25 years  The Canadian Press November 19, 2024 Concepts of Geographic Thinkin...