Friday, 17 December 2021


Here is a great opportunity for new teacher members to Canadian Geographic Education.

If you are not a Canadian Geographic Education member, here's a great opportunity for you to win some swag from Canadian Geographic Education. 

Please click on this LINK to become a Canadian Geographic Education member.

Thursday, 25 November 2021


Ontario veering off track from its climate change targets, internal forecasts reveal.

Mike Crawley · CBC News ·  
Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Interrelationships, Geographic Perspective

Inquiry: What should Ontario do to meet carbon emission targets? why is this Government not fulfilling their obligations in fight Climate Change? How might Canada meet its environmental targets if Provinces do not do their part? 

Activity: Use the geographic inquiry model to collect and organize data relating to environmental targets. Analyze the data to determine the potential success of Ontario's Made in Ontario Environmental Plan. Conduct an issue analysis to better understand the roles and position of stakeholders. Create a spatial journal to show where in Ontario environmental impacts maybe felt. Determine a possible plan of action that might bring Ontario back on course to meet their environmental targets and communicate it via story map to an appropriate audience.

Thursday, 18 November 2021


B.C. declares state of emergency in wake of devastating flooding, mudslides Bridgette WatsonAkshay Kulkarni · CBC News · 

Supporting material:
B.C. flooding could be Canada's costliest disaster as cut-off Port of Vancouver snarls supply chain.

Friday, 5 November 2021


Livable Wages in Ontario 2021 by CRAIG PICKTHORNE 

Inquiry: What might be needed to ensure all citizens can earn a "livable wage"?

Activity: Use the data from the article to create a spatial journal highlighting the required wage to live a livable life. Collect information on living expenses (needs). Add that data to the spatial journal as well as wages across Ontario to help understand the interrelationships. Conduct an issue analysis to guide a  solution that might be able to raise the minimum wage so that Ontarians can live a livable life. Communicate solution via story map.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021


Western Libraries

Registration will be open for the duration of time leading up to the event as well as during the event itself. We encourage you to register ahead of time, since this will allow you to add the events to your calendar and receive a reminder about the event ahead of time.

When registering , you’re signing up to attend the full day of presentations but you can come and go depending on what sparks your interest. Feel like learning more? Attend one of the Tutorials (note: Spatial Data Science Workflows with ArcGIS requires separate registration (coming soon).

Want to learn more about what to expect at GIS Days? Check out this year’s schedule.

November 15 - 19, 2021
Daily 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Online via Zoom Webinar

B.C. forests minister introduces bill to overhaul forest practices The Canadian Press OCTOBER 20, 2021

Inquiry:  How might the forestry changes impact communities relying on the forest? How might other industries incorporate similar changes to their extraction.
Activity: Conduct an issue analysis to determine the stakeholders and their views on the proposed changes and outline the proposed changes.  Create a spatial journal of the old growth forest in B.C.  and place communities to help show the interrelationships involved in the issue. Use story map to communicate the impacts or  suggestions how other primary (mining, fishing, agriculture) industries could incorporate similar strategies. 

Friday, 22 October 2021

 Coca-Cola, Pepsi and NestlĂ© named  top plastic polluters for third year in row

By Karen McVeigh, The Guardian, adapted by Newsela staff

Inquiry: How might these companies be persuaded to have a more sustainable business model? Why might these companies reduction strategies not be enough to reduce garbage their packaging creates?

Activity: Conduct research on how Coca- Cola, Pepsi, and Nestle are dealing with their disposal issue. Understand how their drink products are produced. their products. Collect information on ways of reducing waste from pop drinks. Gather data on where these waste products are found. Create a spatial journal of the players involved in this issue. Conduct an issue analysis to understand the viewpoints of the different players involved in this issue. Develop a plan to communicate ways to reduce these corporations waste. Create a story map to communicate your findings.

Extensions: Use survey123 to conduct an environmental audit of your community to determine the main source of pollution. Create a spatial journal to map out the data and then create a story map  to communicate your findings to encourage change in your environment.

Thursday, 14 October 2021


California oil spill legal fight likely to last years BRIAN MELLEY, LOS ANGELES,THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Geographic Perspective, Interrelationships

Inquiry: Why might the legal battle take years when action is needed now to clean up and prevent further spills? How might oil companies working offshore improve the process to greatly reduce the chance of future spills?

Activity: Collect data and information on the oil company involved. Identify possible stakeholders/players involved in the recent oil spill off the coast of California. Conduct an issue analysis to gain insight into the stakeholders involved to start developing an action plan. Create a spatial journal mapping out the event for a visual representation. Develop an action plan to either 1) help direct the clean up or 2) help reduce the chance of this event happening in the future. How possible is it to reduce this type of event happening in the future given the track record of oil companies? Create a story map to communicate your findings.

Related material: California justice department to investigate enormous oil spill

Friday, 8 October 2021


Pakistan earthquake kills 20 in Balochistan province BBC News          

Inquiry: Why might an earthquake of similar magnitude have widely varying outcomes? What might be needed to reduce the negative outcomes of earthquakes around the world?

Activity: Collect data on earthquake impacts. Create a spatial journal of earth quake activity. Collect data on how to have development that is earthquake resistant Conduct an issue analysis to gain an understanding of the stakeholders involved. Develop a plan to help areas that are at risk and communicate plan of action via story map to an appropriate audience.

M5.9 quake halts trains in Tokyo area; 32 injured 



Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Inside your smartphone: analyzing the rare-earth elements By 

Looking for Resources to Support Truth and Reconciliation, have a look at what you can find from Canadian Geographic Education: 

Follow @CanGeoEdu on social media!

Highlight of the Month
Hundreds of residential schools were never recognized in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Our Paths to Reconciliation interactive map and timeline focus on these schools. This website includes a series of first-hand accounts and related original-source materials from survivors. We also have a teacher's guide to help you use this resource with your students!

Minds On! 
Inquiry questions for your classroom:
  • Who attended residential schools? 
  • Who operated residential schools and why?
  • How did residential schools affect the students, their families, and communities?
  • What can I do to raise awareness and educate others about residential schools?
September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Visit our Indigenous Resources page for resources about Indigenous histories, cultures and languages.

Canadian Geographic Education
50 Sussex Drive 
Ottawa, ON K1M2K1

Monday, 27 September 2021


Pakistan earthquake kills 20 in Balochistan province BBC News          

Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Spatial SignificanceInterrelationshipsGeographic Perspective

Inquiry: Why might an earthquake of similar magnitude have widely varying outcomes? What might be needed to reduce the negative outcomes of earthquakes around the world?

Activity: Collect data on earthquake impacts. Create a spatial journal of earth quake activity. Collect data on how to have development that is earthquake resistant Conduct an issue analysis to gain an understanding of the stakeholders involved. Develop a plan to help areas that are at risk and communicate plan of action via story map to an appropriate audience.

M5.9 quake halts trains in Tokyo area; 32 injured 



After Hurricane Ida, Oil Infrastructure Springs Dozens of Leaks 

By Blacki Migliozzi and 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021


Erin O’Toole recycles a Scheer-era false claim: No, thousands of asylum seekers haven’t crossed ‘illegally’ at Roxham Road 

  Chile’s desert dumping ground for fast fashion leftovers Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Spatial Significance , Interrelationships , Ge...