Tuesday, 13 September 2022


Kwanlin Dün First Nation in 

Yukon is trying to figure out 

where the Chinook salmon are

Sep 06, 2022 Chinook salmon at crisis levels says First Nations in Yukon.

Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Patterns and Trends, Interrelationships

Inquiry: Why might the Chinook Salmon in the Yukon be at their lowest levels ever? How can society insure that the species does not become extinct. What might the impacts be on the populations that rely on this resource?

Activity: Gather data on the chinook stock. Examine possible human activity that might impact the fish. Conduct an issue analysis to gain further insight into the stakeholders that are apart of the issue. Create a spatial journal to show where possible impact location may be. Develop an action plan on how to address the issue and communicate the solution via story map. You may also want to create a survey123 and share with groups to create an inventory of the fish. This can be added to your spatial journal.

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