Wednesday 30 November 2022


Somalia on the brink of another brutal famine, with children bearing the brunt 

Tuesday 22 November 2022


Active Shooter Incidents 20-Year Review, 2000-2019 produced by the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement,

Inquiry: Why might many Americans suggest that "What stops armed bad guys is armed good guys" Ted Cruz even though only 1.2% of all incidents are "solved" by civilians? What might be needed to influence change regarding this attitude?

Inquiry: Collect data on American active short events. Map out using ArcGIS Online to show where these events are taking place to determine spatial significance. Conduct an issue analysis to better understand perspective of the issue. Determine what might need to be done and communicate potential solution to the issue in a story map. Be sure to share ideas with appropriate stakeholders.


They recently bought Greenbelt land that was undevelopable. Now the Ford government is poised to remove protections — and these developers stand to profit 

13 min. read

Concepts of Geographic Thinking: Geographic PerspectiveSpatial Significance Interrelationships

Inquire: How can this example of insider trading be acceptable in Ontario? How might the development of the protected Greenbelt contribute to climate change? How might this increased development impact Ontarians?

Activity: Gather data on Ontario's Greenbelt. Collect information on the different views (developers, residence, environmentalists) of the Greenbelt and how it can be used. Conduct an issue analysis to determine which views and beliefs should be considered and how they should be considered when devising an action plan to help manage Ontario's Greenbelt. Create a spatial journal of significant spaces to help communicate finding. Create a story map to communicate results of research. Share the results with the appropriate stakeholders.

Monday 21 November 2022

COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage: ‘A step towards justice’, says UN chief 

Kiara Worth
COP27 wraps up its work in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. 20 November 2022
Climate and Environment

Inquiry: How will the UN decide which countries and how much will certain countries contribute? How will the UN ensure that the countries in need will receive the compensation they deserve?

Activity: Collect data on the how different countries contribute to 
climate change? Gather data on the different ways the greenhouse gases are created. Conduct an issue analysis to determine how countries feel about global warming and what should be done and what are countries not wanting to do. Create a spatial journal to show how spatial significance may impact global views on climate change and global warming issues. Create an action plan to help countries in need gain access to the new "Loss and Damage" fund created at COP 27. Create a story map to to communicate the action plan.

  Welcome to the great ISRAELI REAL ESTATE EVENT Coming to the USA and Canada Concepts of Thinking:  Geograp...